Dean's Message

Dr John Appiah
It is my distinguished privilege to welcome you to the School of Theology and Missions (STM) is the bedrock of Valley View University’s wonderful religious and missiological heritage. This school receives substantial support from the Ghana Union Conference and West Central Africa Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The rationale for the School’s existence is to provide sound theological scholarship to qualifying students and to promote the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in this part of the Lord’s vineyard.
The STM’s curriculum is designed to prepare capable and informed ministers, pastors, evangelists, and laypersons ready to meet the challenges of this postmodern milieu. We sincerely endorse the idea that true education is the harmonious development of the mental, physical, and spiritual powers. The epicenter of this school is its faculty. Our excellent faculty is fully equipped to initiate the academic support that will enable you to attain the height of your spiritual and academic development.
The School of Theology and Missions serves as the lifeline for other departments of the University for the Spiritual Nurture of our students. Our academic program is tailored to prepare spiritual leaders to meet the challenges of service to God and humanity. Enroll in our educational programme and the assurance of a quest for a life-changing experience is guaranteed.